Whether you are new to the Dask community or are among the first commiters to the project, this thread is an opportunity to say hi and tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m Jacob, I’m a Dask maintainer and I work for NVIDIA. I primarily focus on deployment libraries including
, dask-kubernetes
, dask-cloudprovider
, etc but you’ll find me around on most Dask projects on GitHub.
Hi! I’m Pavithra, I work at Coiled as an Evangelist.
Hi Everyone!
I’ve worked on Dask for a few years now. I’m excited to see you all!
Hi all! I’m Ian, I wrote the bulk of
and you’ll see me around various places in the Dask project. I’m a software engineer at Coiled, a some-time Jupyter developer, and an enthusiast of cities and rocks.
Hi everyone! I’m Genevieve.
I’m a maintainer for dask-image and napari. I’m a scientist and do a lot of image analysis.
I’ve also been working way more on Dask this year, funded by an essential open source software grant from CZI.
Hi y’all I’m Naty and I worked at Coiled as an OSS engineer on Dask.
Hi all, I’m Doug – I work for Anaconda as an open source engineer, spending a good bit of time in the Dask universe.
I’m Florian, Dask maintainer at Coiled.
In the past I’ve been a pretty heavy user of the dask.dataframe API and used it for heavy ETL jobs on Parquet Datasets. That led my down the path of fixing dask in very deep and dark places. Now, working for Coiled, I’m trying to shed some light on these places. You’ll find me mostly tinkering around the dask.distributed scheduler
Hi everyone! I help maintain Dask and am looking forward to trying this Discourse out
Hi all!
I’m Guillaume and I’ve worked with Dask for several years now, mainly on HPC systems. I lead the team in charge of french space agency computing platforms. And I’m a dask-jobqueue maintainer. I’m excited to use this discourse!
Hi everyone! I am Sumit. I work as a Machine Learning Engineer.
Hi all! I’m Zhengnan. I work for Capital One.
I’ve mostly contributed PRs that are editorial in nature (fixing typos, updating doctests, simplifying tutorial examples, etc). I’ve recently started using Dask in a more meaningful way to build a distributed system, and am looking forward to learning more about the codebase as well as continuing to contribute to the community.
Hi everyone! I’m Gus and I work in sales at Coiled. I get to hear lots of feedback from Dask users about usage issues and deployment pain (and good stuff too!). I create low quality, beginner-focused Dask deployment and usage videos and blogs
Hey everyone! I’m a Community Engagement Manager at Coiled.
Hey everyone, I am Vibhu. I’m an engineer with RAPIDS, Nvidia . I have contributed to libraries including dask-ml
, dask-sql
, dask-cuda
along with the RAPIDS suites of libraries.
Hi y’all,
I’m Holden I’ve mostly worked on PySpark in the past but I’m writing a book on Dask because I love it’s DataFrames
Hi all,
My name is Pedro, I’ve been working with distributed systems and data processing in academia for the last few years but decided to move to industry. In order to sharpen my development skills and get in contact with a “production” environment, I decided to try contributing to an exciting open source project and went for Dask.
If you have any tips to help me start contributing, don’t hesitate in contacting me (I also joined the slack channel and keep an eye on “beginner” tasks at github)!
Welcome Holden what is the emphasis of this book going to be?
Hi all My name is Filippo and I am mainly her because of the amazing community around Dask. In my spare time I am learning how to deploy JupyterHub and Dask Gateway on Kubernetes. I am also working on a Slack Authenticator for JupyterHub.