Dask runs much slower than numpy in some case

I’m planning to use dask to do research about tensor network, and in my case, dask runs much slower than numpy. The code is as following

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import time
from opt_einsum import contract
from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster

def tensor_reshape(T, Renorm_direction:str):
    if Renorm_direction == "X" or Renorm_direction == "x":
        return contract("cdab->abcd", T)
    elif Renorm_direction == "Y" or Renorm_direction == "y":
        return T

def tensor_contract(T, Dcut:int, Renorm_direction:str ):
    T = tensor_reshape(T, Renorm_direction)
    MM_dagLU = contract("aijk,blkm,cijn,dlnm->abcd", T, T, T, T)
    MM_dagRD = contract("iajk,lbkm,icjn,ldnm->abcd", T, T, T, T)
    MM_dagLU = da.reshape(MM_dagLU, (MM_dagLU.shape[0]*MM_dagLU.shape[1], MM_dagLU.shape[2]*MM_dagLU.shape[3]))
    MM_dagRD = da.reshape(MM_dagRD, (MM_dagRD.shape[0]*MM_dagRD.shape[1], MM_dagRD.shape[2]*MM_dagRD.shape[3]))
    Eigval_LU, Eigvect_LU = da.apply_gufunc(np.linalg.eigh,'(i,j)->(i),(i,j)', MM_dagLU, allow_rechunk=True)
    Eigval_RD, Eigvect_RD = da.apply_gufunc(np.linalg.eigh,'(i,j)->(i),(i,j)', MM_dagRD, allow_rechunk=True)
    del MM_dagRD, MM_dagLU
    D = len(Eigval_LU)
    if D <= Dcut:
        Eigvect_cut = Eigvect_LU
        epsilon_LU = da.sum(Eigval_LU[:D - Dcut])
        epsilon_RD = da.sum(Eigval_RD[:D - Dcut])
        if epsilon_LU < epsilon_RD:
            Eigvect_cut = Eigvect_LU[:,D - Dcut:]
            Eigvect_cut = Eigvect_RD[:,D - Dcut:]
    del Eigvect_LU, Eigval_RD
    I = int(np.sqrt(Eigvect_cut.shape[0]))
    Eigvect_cut = da.reshape(Eigvect_cut, (I, I, Eigvect_cut.shape[1]))
    T_new = contract("ikcm,jlmd,ija,klb->abcd", T, T, da.conj(Eigvect_cut), Eigvect_cut)


    print("4 tensors contraction: {:.2e} s, evd: {:.2e} s, eigval sum: {:.2e} s, compare: {:.2e} s, new tensor: {:.2e} s".format(dt1,dt3,dt5,dt9,dt7))

    return tensor_reshape(T_new, Renorm_direction)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=16,threads_per_worker=1)
    client = Client(cluster)

    rs = da.random.RandomState(seed=1234, RandomState=np.random.RandomState)
    T = rs.random(size=size,chunks=chunks)
    T = T/da.max(T)
    for i in range(10):
        T = tensor_contract(T, Dcut, "Y")
        T = T/da.max(T)
        T = tensor_contract(T, Dcut, "X")
        T = T/da.max(T)
    T = T.compute()
    print("{:.2e} s".format(t1-t0))

In the code, I’m timing each operation in the function tensor_contract(). I know dask is lazy evaluation and I’m timing the generation time of task graph. But the important thing is that the generation time of task graph is so long and increases with the loops in the main.
The timing details are shown as following. We can see when use dask, the compare time, which’s operation is surrounded by t8 and t9, is increasing, and finally the total time consumption becomes very large. On the other hand, the total time consumption is more lower.

out put detials by using dask:
<Client: 'tcp://' processes=16 threads=16, memory=186.33 GiB>
4 tensors contraction: 1.31e-02 s, evd: 2.82e-03 s, eigval sum: 2.72e-03 s, compare: 4.85e+00 s, new tensor: 9.04e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.22e-02 s, evd: 3.11e-03 s, eigval sum: 4.23e-03 s, compare: 1.04e+01 s, new tensor: 7.68e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.21e-02 s, evd: 2.67e-03 s, eigval sum: 2.71e-03 s, compare: 1.36e+01 s, new tensor: 6.20e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.31e-02 s, evd: 2.74e-03 s, eigval sum: 2.66e-03 s, compare: 2.00e+01 s, new tensor: 6.17e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.16e-02 s, evd: 2.55e-03 s, eigval sum: 2.78e-03 s, compare: 2.47e+01 s, new tensor: 7.07e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.48e-02 s, evd: 3.77e-03 s, eigval sum: 1.80e-02 s, compare: 2.98e+01 s, new tensor: 8.28e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.33e-02 s, evd: 3.10e-03 s, eigval sum: 2.65e-03 s, compare: 3.46e+01 s, new tensor: 7.88e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.75e-02 s, evd: 5.13e-03 s, eigval sum: 3.01e-03 s, compare: 4.22e+01 s, new tensor: 8.39e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.41e-02 s, evd: 3.43e-03 s, eigval sum: 3.70e-03 s, compare: 4.68e+01 s, new tensor: 8.48e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.45e-02 s, evd: 3.68e-03 s, eigval sum: 3.57e-03 s, compare: 5.18e+01 s, new tensor: 8.52e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.46e-02 s, evd: 3.98e-03 s, eigval sum: 3.56e-03 s, compare: 5.86e+01 s, new tensor: 8.00e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.55e-02 s, evd: 4.63e-03 s, eigval sum: 3.45e-03 s, compare: 6.14e+01 s, new tensor: 8.07e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.58e-02 s, evd: 5.25e-03 s, eigval sum: 3.03e-03 s, compare: 6.49e+01 s, new tensor: 8.72e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.61e-02 s, evd: 1.72e-02 s, eigval sum: 3.45e-03 s, compare: 7.27e+01 s, new tensor: 8.26e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.58e-02 s, evd: 4.30e-03 s, eigval sum: 3.45e-03 s, compare: 7.77e+01 s, new tensor: 9.91e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.67e-02 s, evd: 1.50e-02 s, eigval sum: 5.95e-03 s, compare: 8.43e+01 s, new tensor: 8.66e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.72e-02 s, evd: 5.07e-03 s, eigval sum: 1.99e-02 s, compare: 8.65e+01 s, new tensor: 8.51e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.59e-02 s, evd: 4.30e-03 s, eigval sum: 7.72e-03 s, compare: 9.67e+01 s, new tensor: 8.77e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 1.60e-02 s, evd: 4.90e-03 s, eigval sum: 3.61e-03 s, compare: 1.02e+02 s, new tensor: 8.64e-03 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.02e-02 s, evd: 1.53e-02 s, eigval sum: 3.96e-03 s, compare: 1.04e+02 s, new tensor: 9.15e-03 s
1.06e+02 s
out put detials by using numpy:
4 tensors contraction: 2.39e-01 s, evd: 8.25e-01 s, eigval sum: 5.21e-04 s, compare: 1.62e-05 s, new tensor: 2.47e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.27e-01 s, evd: 7.48e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.87e-05 s, compare: 3.34e-06 s, new tensor: 2.48e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.29e-01 s, evd: 7.08e-01 s, eigval sum: 4.00e-04 s, compare: 2.79e-05 s, new tensor: 2.44e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.29e-01 s, evd: 7.03e-01 s, eigval sum: 5.96e-05 s, compare: 3.10e-06 s, new tensor: 2.45e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.52e-01 s, evd: 7.01e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.25e-05 s, compare: 2.86e-06 s, new tensor: 2.50e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.35e-01 s, evd: 7.09e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.18e-05 s, compare: 3.10e-06 s, new tensor: 2.50e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.36e-01 s, evd: 7.04e-01 s, eigval sum: 8.77e-05 s, compare: 5.48e-06 s, new tensor: 2.49e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.38e-01 s, evd: 6.99e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.99e-05 s, compare: 5.48e-06 s, new tensor: 2.50e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.34e-01 s, evd: 7.05e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.20e-05 s, compare: 3.10e-06 s, new tensor: 2.46e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.42e-01 s, evd: 7.04e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.10e-05 s, compare: 2.86e-06 s, new tensor: 2.49e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.36e-01 s, evd: 7.15e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.13e-05 s, compare: 3.10e-06 s, new tensor: 2.72e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.37e-01 s, evd: 7.15e-01 s, eigval sum: 9.30e-05 s, compare: 2.38e-06 s, new tensor: 2.46e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.37e-01 s, evd: 7.14e-01 s, eigval sum: 7.77e-05 s, compare: 5.96e-06 s, new tensor: 2.43e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.34e-01 s, evd: 7.03e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.99e-05 s, compare: 5.48e-06 s, new tensor: 2.50e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.35e-01 s, evd: 7.11e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.27e-05 s, compare: 2.86e-06 s, new tensor: 2.44e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.35e-01 s, evd: 7.11e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.13e-05 s, compare: 3.10e-06 s, new tensor: 2.51e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.57e-01 s, evd: 8.80e-01 s, eigval sum: 5.98e-05 s, compare: 3.58e-06 s, new tensor: 2.58e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.34e-01 s, evd: 7.18e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.22e-05 s, compare: 2.86e-06 s, new tensor: 2.46e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.32e-01 s, evd: 7.36e-01 s, eigval sum: 7.27e-05 s, compare: 3.58e-06 s, new tensor: 2.56e+00 s
4 tensors contraction: 2.32e-01 s, evd: 7.25e-01 s, eigval sum: 6.13e-05 s, compare: 2.62e-06 s, new tensor: 2.45e+00 s
7.00e+01 s

Hi @lx_dask_forum,

Just took a quick glance at your code, but already a few things I can say on the code and the results:

  • You build Arrays with 2,5 millions integer, so about 10MB in memory. This is already quite small to be speed up by Dask.
  • You chunk it with 16 sub chunks, so chunks of less than 1MB.
  • Operations are quite fast with Numpy, less than a second.
  • You use a multiprocessing cluster, so no shared memory between Dask workers.
  • The total time is 100s with Dask, 70 with Numpy, I wouldn’t say “much slower”.

In short, there is no reason to use Dask in you example with so few data and already efficient with Numpy. Dask is there to scale Numpy, not to make it faster on small datasets.

I’m not sure if the operations you perform can be speed up by Dask, but maybe try things with a much bigger array, aim for several GB at least (I see you’ve got 186 GiB available !!).

thanks for replying. But the time shown at last in the output of dask is the time of T.compute(), but not total time. The total time is contraction +evd+eigval sum+compare+newtensor. As we can see from the output of dask, the compare time is increasing. So the total time is much longer than numpy.
Here is just testing at a small scale. I am planning to do a more larger scale(up to hundreds gb of a tensor) research.

That’s only true for the part you mention next in your post, so only a short portion of your code.

OK, so clearly you’ve got a problem with the code above, generating Dask DAG should not take that long. I suspect that since you’re comparing values, Dask triggers the computation of the lazy arrays
epsilon_LU and epsilon_RD, so you’re not taking advantage of Dask lazy features at all. You should be able to check this by opening the Dask Dashboard when running your loop.

DAG creation should always take no more than a few (milli)seconds. And the part where you call compute should be the important part for timing comparison. If this is not the case, there is probably a problem somewhere.

And again, comparing Numpy operations that take less than a second with equivalent Dask code, you’ll probably always find Numpy (much) better, and that’s because Dask is useless in this case.