I’m Rich Signell, a physical oceanographer interested in bringing scalable, flexible open-source tools and practices to organizations that are producers or consumers of large amounts of numerical simulation data. I’m an enthusiastic member of the Pangeo Community, and a big fan of Dask, Xarray, Holoviz, Kerchunk, Conda-Forge, Xbitinfo and Pangeo-Forge!
Hi! I’m Ricardo , a PhD Candidate at McMaster University, working with remote sensing of vegetation, and the effects of climate change on it. I have been using the so called “Pangeo Stack” for a while (Xarray, Dask, Holoviews, etc). Happy to be here and collaborate
Hello Dask Community! I’m a physical oceanographer with a background in numerical modeling of the coastal ocean, but currently mostly involved in the Pangeo Community and helping geoscientists learn how to use the stack on HPC and on the Cloud!
Hello! I am Flavia. I am a dask new user. Using it for dataframes with 111513600 rows in my doctor research. I use it a stand alone laptop.
thank you.
Hi everyone. My name is Nelson and I’m a doctor degree student. Recently I have started to use dask and it improved the computational time to perform some simulations. It has been very usefull. I hope to contribute with comunitty telling about my work and my experience. See ya!!!
Glad to hear it @nsantana! If you’d ever like to share more about your experience, there are monthly community meetings where folks give updates and short, informal demos: Community — Dask documentation