Dask-MPI not finishing

Hi everyone,

I am new to dask and I am trying to work with dask-mpi using scripts. I might have forgotten to do something, but I am trying to run a simple script that opens some csv files and the do a dummy operation on them, just to try. The problem is that when I try to call .compute(), the operation does not get done and the script just freezes and it does not finish. This is the script I am trying to run:

from mpi4py import MPI

from dask_mpi import initialize
initialize(comm = comm)

from distributed.scheduler import logger
from distributed import Client
from dask.dataframe import read_csv

def main():
    with Client() as cl:

        df = read_csv(".user/data/CMaps/train_*.txt", sep=" ", header= None)
        df = df +1
    # cl.close()

if __name__ == "__main__":

I am running the script with

 mpirun -np 2 python main.py

My environment is:

open-mpi 4.1.4_2
macOS Ventura 13.0
Python 3.9.15

I also tried to run mpirun with MPICH with no better result.

I also get this output when running:

2022-11-11 15:55:10,164 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - State start
2022-11-11 15:55:10,166 - distributed.scheduler - INFO -   Scheduler at:  tcp://
2022-11-11 15:55:10,166 - distributed.scheduler - INFO -   dashboard at:                     :8787
2022-11-11 15:55:10,506 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Receive client connection: Client-d6e71920-61d0-11ed-aaf5-9e3aaa5630a4
2022-11-11 15:55:10,511 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection
2022-11-11 15:55:10,513 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - <Client: 'tcp://' processes=0 threads=0, memory=0 B>

I hope I did not miss something while setting up everything, I just installed everything through pip. I am guessing the problem is related with the fact the client not showing any processes nor threads running. Maybe dask-mpi is not meant for scripts (?) However, I could not find any documentation that would help me setting this up. So I hope any of you can help me out.