Duplicated computations using Dask-MPI on multiple nodes of a SLURM HPC

I’m pretty new to Dask and trying to get a tiled geophysical inversion code running across several nodes of our HPC that has a SLURM scheduler.

I have experimented with different setup configurations and can get the code to run, but the memory load and computation time for each worker is significantly larger than anticipated. To try and troubleshoot these issues I created a toy problem to try and get a better idea of how SLURM and Dask-MPI were behaving/interacting.

Here is a copy of my simple python script:

import os
import platform

import numpy as np
import time

import dask_mpi
import dask.distributed as dd

def run(tileID):

    tileName = 'tile' + str(tileID)
    dd.print('Node:', platform.node(), 'Begin sleeping: ' + tileName + '\n')
    dd.print('Finished sleeping: ' + tileName)

    # seed random number generator
    # generate random numbers between 0-1
    a = np.random.random((10000000, 3))
    b = np.random.random((10000000, 3))
    c = np.multiply(a, b)
    dd.print(tileName + ' shape:', c.shape)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Initialize dask-mpi to set up remote workers
    dask_mpi.core.initialize(local_directory=os.getcwd(), nthreads=1, memory_limit="100 GB", interface="ib0")
    print("Initializing Dask-MPI...")

    # Setup Client
    client = dd.Client()
    print('Client information')

    print('Cluster information')

    nTiles = 8

    time0 = time.time()
    # Run example problem
    futures = []
    for tile in range(0, nTiles):
        print('Tile:', tile)
        future = client.submit(run, tile)


    time1 = time.time()
    print('Total job time:' + str(time1-time0))


I then run/submit the python script by calling

sbatch Test_DaskMPI_3Node_tpn4_t0.batch

Here is a copy of the batch file


#SBATCH --job-name=Test_DaskMPI_3Node_tpn4_t0
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
#SBATCH --mem=100GB
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --nodes=3
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --reservation=dev
#SBATCH --account=vhp
#SBATCH --time=00:02:00
#SBATCH --output=Test_DaskMPI_3Node_tpn4_t0.log

# module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
export OMPI_MCA_btl=^openib

source /home/mamitchell/bin/miniconda3/bin/activate simpeg_main

mpirun -np 12  python -u ./Test_DaskMPI_3Node_tpn4_t0.py | tee ./Test_DaskMPI_3Node_tpn4_t0_output.txt

The hope is that it will evaluate the run function one time for each tile from 0-7 and that these computations will be split over 3 nodes with each node having up to 4 tasks.

Here is the resulting output from the log file:

> 2024-02-06 19:08:18,207 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - State start
2024-02-06 19:08:18,212 - distributed.scheduler - INFO -   Scheduler at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,212 - distributed.scheduler - INFO -   dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,213 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Registering Worker plugin shuffle
Initializing Dask-MPI...
2024-02-06 19:08:18,295 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,295 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,295 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                          6
2024-02-06 19:08:18,295 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-gsg57edz
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                          2
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,296 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                          7
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-9f_6whjt
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-v8la7m69
2024-02-06 19:08:18,297 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,298 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,298 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,298 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                          8
2024-02-06 19:08:18,298 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,298 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,298 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                          3
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                         11
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-wkgii4og
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                          5
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-vbf5s_j3
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-if64_68p
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                          9
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-e6y6fw8l
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-v_ea1ko_
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                         10
2024-02-06 19:08:18,299 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-xl1hkheh
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Start worker at:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO -          Listening to:   tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO -           Worker name:                          4
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO -          dashboard at:
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO - Waiting to connect to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:18,300 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,301 - distributed.worker - INFO -               Threads:                          1
2024-02-06 19:08:18,301 - distributed.worker - INFO -                Memory:                  93.13 GiB
2024-02-06 19:08:18,301 - distributed.worker - INFO -       Local Directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/hazards/vhp/mamitchell/CLVF/Magnetics/DaskTesting/Dask_MPI/dask-scratch-space/worker-35u6hsfz
2024-02-06 19:08:18,301 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:18,877 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 4, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,461 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,461 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,462 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 6, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,462 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,462 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,462 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,462 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,463 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,463 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,463 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 8, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,463 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,463 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,463 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,464 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 5, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,464 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,464 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,464 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,464 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,464 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,464 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,465 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 10, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,465 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,465 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,465 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,465 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,465 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,465 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,466 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,466 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,466 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 7, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,466 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,466 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,466 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,466 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,467 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 9, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,467 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,467 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,467 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,467 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,467 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,467 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,467 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 11, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 3, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,468 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Register worker <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 2, status: init, memory: 0, processing: 0>
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Starting worker compute stream, tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,469 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,470 - distributed.scheduler - INFO - Receive client connection: Client-60d54dba-c555-11ee-88b9-000005c1fe80
2024-02-06 19:08:19,470 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,470 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,470 - distributed.worker - INFO - Starting Worker plugin shuffle
2024-02-06 19:08:19,470 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,470 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,470 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,470 - distributed.worker - INFO -         Registered to:    tcp://
2024-02-06 19:08:19,471 - distributed.worker - INFO - -------------------------------------------------
2024-02-06 19:08:19,471 - distributed.core - INFO - Starting established connection to tcp://
Client information
<Client: 'tcp://' processes=0 threads=0, memory=0 B>
Cluster information
Tile: 0
Tile: 1
Tile: 2
Tile: 3
Tile: 4
Tile: 5
Tile: 6
Tile: 7
Node: cn114 Begin sleeping: tile0

Node: cn114 Begin sleeping: tile1

Node:Node: cn114 Begin sleeping: tile0

 cn130 Begin sleeping: tile2

Node: cn130 Begin sleeping: tile3

Node: cn114 Begin sleeping: tile1

Node: cn130 Begin sleeping: tile2

Node: cn039 Begin sleeping: tile4

Node: cn114 Begin sleeping: tile5

Node: cn130 Begin sleeping: tile3

Node: cn039 Begin sleeping: tile4

Node: cn130 Begin sleeping: tile6

Node: cn130Node: cn114 Begin sleeping: tile5

Node: cn130 Begin sleeping: tile6

 Begin sleeping: tile7

Node: cn130 Begin sleeping: tile7

Finished sleeping: tile0
Finished sleeping: tile0
Finished sleeping: tile1
Finished sleeping: tile1
Finished sleeping: tile2
Finished sleeping: tile3
Finished sleeping: tile2
Finished sleeping: tile4
Finished sleeping: tile3
Finished sleeping: tile4
Finished sleeping: tile5
Finished sleeping: tile5
Finished sleeping: tile6
Finished sleeping: tile7
Finished sleeping: tile6
Finished sleeping: tile7
tile0 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile1 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile0 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile3 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile2 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile1 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile3 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile2 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile5 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile5 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile4 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile4 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile7 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile7 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile6 shape: (10000000, 3)
tile6 shape: (10000000, 3)
Total job time:20.840075492858887

....... Lots of shutting down messages........

I don’t understand why the run function appears to have been evaluated twice for each of the 8 “tiles”.
The computations were divided across the 3 allocated nodes in the following manner.

Node cn114 ran tiles: 0, 1, 0, 1, 5, 5
Node cn130 ran tiles: 2, 3, 2, 3, 6, 7, 6, 7
Node cn039 ran tiles: 4, 4

From a smaller example with only 2 nodes I thought that the entire script was just being run independently on each node. However, the test shown above using 3 nodes shows that this is not the case since I would have expected each node to run tiles 0-7.

In addition to running the python script using

mpirun -np 12 python ./Test_DaskMPI_3Node_tpn4_t0.py

I have also tried

mpirun -np 12 -npernode 4 python ./Test_DaskMPI_3Node_tpn4_t0.py


srun --mpi=pmix python ./Test_DaskMPI_3Node_tpn4_t0.py

All of these variations produce the same results.

The only idea I have left is trying to use the worker_options within the dask_mpi.initialize call to specify the number of workers. However, I haven’t been able to find much information about the available options.

I expect that I am doing something silly in the configuration but I’m kind of out of ideas. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Hi @micmitch, welcome to Dask community!

I suspect the issue is comming from using the dd.print function, as stated in the documentation:

If called by code running on a worker, then in addition to printing locally, any clients connected (possibly remotely) to the scheduler managing this worker will receive an event instructing them to print the same output

I’m wondering if you are seeing on the output logs both the print from the Worker and from the Client. Could you try to use a simple print?

Also, just to make sure you’ve properly inderstoof how many concurrent workers you’ll get with your script, as stated in Dask-MPI with Batch Jobs — Dask-MPI 2022.4.0+35.g3a7f045.dirty documentation

The initialize() function, when run from within an MPI environment (i.e., created by the use of mpirun or mpiexec), launches the Dask Scheduler on MPI rank 0 and the Dask Workers on MPI ranks 2 and above. On MPI rank 1, the initialize() function “passes through” to the Client script, running the Dask-based Client code the user wishes to execute.

So you’ll have only 10 concurrent tasks execution on yor nodes.

1 Like

Hi Guillaume. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! Using the standard print command did indeed fix the double printing confusion in my example script. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

I looks like I’ll have to go back to the drawing board to try and better understand the behavior of the full scale inversion I’m trying to run since my setup doesn’t appear to be duplicating computations.

1 Like