I have been trying to configure “Dask-Gateway” for a few days but am still not able to run any analysis from the client side in my trials. I have tried so many configurations, everything seems to be working fine, but jobs are not submitted to the worker pods and client object is created without any resources, so I am completely stuck now. I will post here only one of the configurations I have tried and I would appreciate if anyone can spot any issue regarding my setup.
Output of some k8s commands:
(reana) alputer@alputer:~/REANA/REANA/reana/helm/reana$ k get pods
api-dask-gateway-546796f64f-zv6d2 1/1 Running 0 52m
controller-dask-gateway-6b8f5f5d85-zv9p2 1/1 Running 0 52m
dask-scheduler-a32d07875efc4e60ae3dbaf45c223092 1/1 Running 0 7m24s
dask-worker-a32d07875efc4e60ae3dbaf45c223092-4rtpz 1/1 Running 0 7m16s
dask-worker-a32d07875efc4e60ae3dbaf45c223092-pd6sp 1/1 Running 0 7m16s
traefik-dask-gateway-54dcb8458f-ntnzc 1/1 Running 0 52m
# 1) Authenticate agains dask gateway
# 2) Get a personal cluster
# 3) Ask for a worker node
# 4) Submit the analysis
from dask_gateway import Gateway
from dask_gateway.auth import BasicAuth
gateway = Gateway(
auth=BasicAuth(username="alputer", password="dummy"),
cluster = gateway.new_cluster()
client = cluster.get_client()
import dask.array as da
a = da.random.normal(size=(1000, 1000), chunks=(500, 500))
# Code goes into infinite loop here since jobs are not sent to worker pods
(reana) alputer@alputer:~/REANA/REANA/reana-dask-controller$ python client3.py
/home/alputer/.virtualenvs/reana/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/client.py:1388: VersionMismatchWarning: Mismatched versions found
| Package | Client | Scheduler | Workers |
| dask | 2023.5.0 | 2024.1.0 | None |
| distributed | 2023.5.0 | 2024.1.0 | None |
| msgpack | 1.0.8 | 1.0.7 | None |
| python | 3.8.12.final.0 | 3.11.7.final.0 | None |
| toolz | 0.12.1 | 0.12.0 | None |
| tornado | 6.4.1 | 6.4 | None |
<Client: 'tls://' processes=0 threads=0, memory=0 B>
My Helm Chart
## Provide a name to partially substitute for the full names of resources (will maintain the release name)
nameOverride: ""
## Provide a name to substitute for the full names of resources
fullnameOverride: ""
# gateway nested config relates to the api Pod and the dask-gateway-server
# running within it, the k8s Service exposing it, as well as the schedulers
# (gateway.backend.scheduler) and workers gateway.backend.worker) created by the
# controller when a DaskCluster k8s resource is registered.
# Number of instances of the gateway-server to run
replicas: 1
# Annotations to apply to the gateway-server pods.
annotations: {}
# Resource requests/limits for the gateway-server pod.
memory: "256M"
cpu: 0.5
memory: "1G"
cpu: 1
# Path prefix to serve dask-gateway api requests under
# This prefix will be added to all routes the gateway manages
# in the traefik proxy.
prefix: /
# The gateway server log level
loglevel: DEBUG
# The image to use for the dask-gateway-server pod (api pod)
name: ghcr.io/dask/dask-gateway-server
tag: "2024.1.0"
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Add additional environment variables to the gateway pod
# e.g.
# env:
# - name: MYENV
# value: "my value"
env: []
# Image pull secrets for gateway-server pod
imagePullSecrets: []
# Configuration for the gateway-server service
annotations: {}
# The auth type to use. One of {simple, kerberos, jupyterhub, custom}.
type: simple
# A shared password to use for all users.
password: "dummy"
# Path to the HTTP keytab for this node.
# A JupyterHub api token for dask-gateway to use. See
# https://gateway.dask.org/install-kube.html#authenticating-with-jupyterhub.
# The JupyterHub Helm chart will automatically generate a token for a
# registered service. If you don't specify an apiToken explicitly as
# required in dask-gateway version <=2022.6.1, the dask-gateway Helm chart
# will try to look for a token from a k8s Secret created by the JupyterHub
# Helm chart in the same namespace. A failure to find this k8s Secret and
# key will cause a MountFailure for when the api-dask-gateway pod is
# starting.
apiTokenFromSecretName: hub
apiTokenFromSecretKey: hub.services.dask-gateway.apiToken
# JupyterHub's api url. Inferred from JupyterHub's service name if running
# in the same namespace.
# The full authenticator class name.
# Configuration fields to set on the authenticator class.
config: {}
# Enables the livenessProbe.
enabled: true
# Configures the livenessProbe.
initialDelaySeconds: 5
timeoutSeconds: 2
periodSeconds: 10
failureThreshold: 6
# Enables the readinessProbe.
enabled: true
# Configures the readinessProbe.
initialDelaySeconds: 5
timeoutSeconds: 2
periodSeconds: 10
failureThreshold: 3
# nodeSelector, affinity, and tolerations the for the `api` pod running dask-gateway-server
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
tolerations: []
# Any extra configuration code to append to the generated `dask_gateway_config.py`
# file. Can be either a single code-block, or a map of key -> code-block
# (code-blocks are run in alphabetical order by key, the key value itself is
# meaningless). The map version is useful as it supports merging multiple
# `values.yaml` files, but is unnecessary in other cases.
extraConfig: {}
# backend nested configuration relates to the scheduler and worker resources
# created for DaskCluster k8s resources by the controller.
# The image to use for both schedulers and workers.
name: ghcr.io/dask/dask-gateway
tag: "2024.1.0"
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Image pull secrets for a dask cluster's scheduler and worker pods
imagePullSecrets: []
# The namespace to launch dask clusters in. If not specified, defaults to
# the same namespace the gateway is running in.
namespace: default
# A mapping of environment variables to set for both schedulers and workers.
environment: {}
# Any extra configuration for the scheduler pod. Sets
# `c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_pod_config`.
extraPodConfig: {}
# Any extra configuration for the scheduler container.
# Sets `c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_container_config`.
extraContainerConfig: {}
# Cores request/limit for the scheduler.
request: 0.5
limit: 1
# Memory request/limit for the scheduler.
request: "500M"
limit: "1G"
# Any extra configuration for the worker pod. Sets
# `c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_pod_config`.
extraPodConfig: {}
# Any extra configuration for the worker container. Sets
# `c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_container_config`.
extraContainerConfig: {}
# Cores request/limit for each worker.
request: 0.5
limit: 1
# Memory request/limit for each worker.
request: "250M"
limit: "500M"
# Number of threads available for a worker. Sets
# `c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_threads`
threads: 2
# controller nested config relates to the controller Pod and the
# dask-gateway-server running within it that makes things happen when changes to
# DaskCluster k8s resources are observed.
# Whether the controller should be deployed. Disabling the controller allows
# running it locally for development/debugging purposes.
enabled: true
# Any annotations to add to the controller pod
annotations: {}
# Resource requests/limits for the controller pod
memory: "256M"
cpu: 0.5
memory: "1G"
cpu: 1
# Image pull secrets for controller pod
imagePullSecrets: []
# The controller log level
loglevel: DEBUG
# Max time (in seconds) to keep around records of completed clusters.
# Default is 24 hours.
completedClusterMaxAge: 86400
# Time (in seconds) between cleanup tasks removing records of completed
# clusters. Default is 5 minutes.
completedClusterCleanupPeriod: 600
# Base delay (in seconds) for backoff when retrying after failures.
backoffBaseDelay: 0.1
# Max delay (in seconds) for backoff when retrying after failures.
backoffMaxDelay: 300
# Limit on the average number of k8s api calls per second.
k8sApiRateLimit: 50
# Limit on the maximum number of k8s api calls per second.
k8sApiRateLimitBurst: 100
# The image to use for the controller pod.
name: ghcr.io/dask/dask-gateway-server
tag: "2024.1.0"
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Settings for nodeSelector, affinity, and tolerations for the controller pods
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
tolerations: []
# traefik nested config relates to the traefik Pod and Traefik running within it
# that is acting as a proxy for traffic towards the gateway or user created
# DaskCluster resources.
# Number of instances of the proxy to run
replicas: 1
# Any annotations to add to the proxy pods
annotations: {}
# Resource requests/limits for the proxy pods
memory: "256M"
cpu: 0.5
memory: "1G"
cpu: 1
# The image to use for the proxy pod
name: traefik
tag: "2.10.6"
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets: []
# Any additional arguments to forward to traefik
additionalArguments: []
# The proxy log level
loglevel: DEBUG
# Whether to expose the dashboard on port 9000 (enable for debugging only!)
dashboard: true
# Additional configuration for the traefik service
type: LoadBalancer
annotations: {}
spec: {}
# The port HTTP(s) requests will be served on
port: 80
nodePort: 30081
# The port TCP requests will be served on. Set to `web` to share the
# web service port
port: web
nodePort: 30081
# Settings for nodeSelector, affinity, and tolerations for the traefik pods
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
tolerations: []
# rbac nested configuration relates to the choice of creating or replacing
# resources like (Cluster)Role, (Cluster)RoleBinding, and ServiceAccount.
# Whether to enable RBAC.
enabled: true
# Existing names to use if ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings, and
# ServiceAccounts have already been created by other means (leave set to
# `null` to create all required roles at install time)
# global nested configuration is accessible by all Helm charts that may depend
# on each other, but not used by this Helm chart. An entry is created here to
# validate its use and catch YAML typos via this configurations associated JSON
# schema.
global: {}