ValueError: An error occurred while calling the read_csv method registered to the pandas backend

Hi. I am using dask.dataframe to read a very large dataset of 20TB containing 97 billion Knowledge graph triples. I am using dask.dataframe.read_csv method to read a smaller version of dataset containing 795 million triples of size 152GB. The .txt file contains 4 columns separated by white space. A sample of the dataset:

<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .

Context: The dataset consists of KG data with subject, relation, and object as columns 0, 1, and 2 respectively. Column 4 contains ‘.’ meaning the triple has ended. My task is to calculate the total number of triples, and the total number of unique entities and relations in this dataset. Since the file is very huge, I cannot use rdflib as it consumes all the memory.

I was using the following pandas code to read the dataset and calculate the stats required for the dataset:

import pandas as pd

dtype = {'subject': str, 'relation': str, 'object': str}
unique_entities = set()
unique_relations = set()
total_triples = 0

    reader = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep="\s+", header=None, names=['subject', 'relation', 'object'], usecols=[0, 1, 2], dtype=dtype, chunksize=chunk_size, memory_map=True, on_bad_lines='warn')

    for chunk in reader:
        total_triples += len(chunk)
        unique_entities.update(chunk['subject'].unique())  # Update entities from 'subject'
        unique_entities.update(chunk['object'].unique())   # Update entities from 'object'
        unique_relations.update(chunk['relation'].unique())  # Update relations
except Exception as e:
    logging.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)'Total number of triples: {total_triples}')'Number of unique entities: {len(unique_entities)}')'Number of unique relations: {len(unique_relations)}')

For a small dataset of size 84 MB, this works because it uses less RAM to store the data. But for a very very large dataset, it gives an out-of-memory event kill. Therefore, I used dask for that. Here’s the code for dask:

import dask.dataframe as dd

ddf = dd.read_csv(file_path, sep="\s+", header=None, usecols=[0, 1, 2], dtype=str, blocksize=25e6)

unique_entities = dd.concat([ddf[0], ddf[2]], axis=0).drop_duplicates()
unique_relations = ddf[1].drop_duplicates()
total_triples = len(ddf)

num_unique_entities = unique_entities.compute()
num_unique_relations = unique_relations.compute()

print(f"Total triples: {total_triples}")  # No need to call compute here
print(f"Unique entities: {len(num_unique_entities)}")
print(f"Unique relations: {len(num_unique_relations)}")

Now this code works. However, when I try to use the following code:

# Reading the dataset
ddf = dd.read_csv(file_path, sep="\s+", header=None, usecols=[0, 1, 2], names=['subject', 'relation', 'object'], dtype=str, blocksize=25e6)

unique_entities = dd.concat([ddf['subject'], ddf['object']], axis=0).drop_duplicates()
unique_relations = ddf['relation'].drop_duplicates()

num_unique_entities = unique_entities.compute()
num_unique_relations = unique_relations.compute()

print(f"Total triples: {total_triples}")  # No need to call compute here
print(f"Unique entities: {len(num_unique_entities)}")
print(f"Unique relations: {len(num_unique_relations)}")

It gives me the error at num_unique_entities = unique_entities.compute() stating that “ValueError: An error occurred while calling the read_csv method registered to the pandas backend. Original Message: Number of passed names did not match number of header fields in the file

Please tell me why can’t I use the “names” and “usecols” attributes in Dask? I cannot understand this. Even when I try to get the data from a single column using dask, it gives the similar error.

Hi @sshivam95, welcome to Dask community!

I just tested your provided code with the sample of the dataset you provided, and it is working on my environment.

Could you provide an example dataset where it is failing for you? Which Dask version are you using?

Hi @guillaumeeb, thank you for your warm welcome.

I don’t know how it is working for you but I tested it again on a different dataset and it still gives me the same error. You can find the example dataset here. As for the Dask version, I installed the latest version of it dask=2024.5.0.

I am facing the problem in the compute() method after using usecols and names parameter in read_csv() method

Alright, I was testing with dask=2024.2.1, and it did not raise the issue. It does with dask=2024.4.1.

I would say it’s a bug, can you open an issue on Dask github issue tracker, saying it did work before?

Sure. I can do that. However, when I try to install the older version of dask that you are working on using pip install dask==2024.2.1, it gives me the following error:

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
dask-expr 1.1.0 requires dask==2024.5.0, but you have dask 2024.2.1 which is incompatible.

I tried reinstalling dask-expr but it just installs the latest version of dask.

Issued a bug on github here

You should also pin dask-expr to a lower version I guess.