Submit demo and not work

I use command “dask-scheduler --port 8786” start a scheduler,and want to use tcp to submit a demo.But dashboard always shows “total:117,waiting:117”.I am new to dask,I don’t know why it not work.When I do it locally, it worked.There is my code:

client = Client("tcp://xxxx:8786")
    # client = Client()
    ddf = dd.read_parquet(
        columns=["passenger_count", "tip_amount"],
        storage_options={"anon": True}
    result = ddf.groupby("passenger_count").tip_amount.mean().compute()

Thank you for helping me.

Hi @chensj, welcome here!

You said you started a dask-scheduler, but did you also started at least one Worker to process the tasks?

What is your local code when it works?

Hi @ guillaumeeb:
Local code is

    client = Client()
    ddf = dd.read_parquet(
        columns=["passenger_count", "tip_amount"],
        storage_options={"anon": True}
    result = ddf.groupby("passenger_count").tip_amount.mean().compute()

Maybe I don’t start any workers.
How can I start a worker?

See Command Line — Dask documentation, you need to use dask worker command.

However, if your on a single server, using Client or LocalCluster will be quite equivalent.