I have this toy example that I am using to solve my real problem -
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import dask
import datetime
import sys
def main():
ret = setUpData()
def setUpData():
temperature = 273 + 20 * np.random.random([4,17,73,144])
lat = np.linspace(-90.,90.,73)
lon = np.linspace(0.,360. ,144,endpoint=False)
pres = ["1000","925","850","700","600","500","400","300","250","200","150","100","70","50","30","20","10"]
level = np.array(pres)
level = level.astype(float)*100
time = np.empty((4))
time[0] = np.datetime64(datetime.datetime(2023,1,14,0))
time[1] = np.datetime64(datetime.datetime(2023,1,14,6))
time[2] = np.datetime64(datetime.datetime(2023,1,14,12))
time[3] = np.datetime64(datetime.datetime(2023,1,14,18))
temp = xr.DataArray(temperature,coords=[time,level,lat,lon],dims=['time', 'level','lat', 'lon'])
ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars={'temperature':temp})
ds1 = xr.open_dataset('testxarray.nc',chunks={'time':1})
tmp = ds.temperature.values
ret = []
return ret
def executeCalc(ret):
lat,lon,level,tmp = ret
for i in range (0,tmp.shape[0]):
tmpInstant = tmp[i,:,:,:]
potemp = pot(tmpInstant,lat,lon,level)
def pot(tmp,lat,lon,pres):
cp = 1004.0
md = 28.9644
R = 8314.41
Rd = R/md
nlat = len(lat)
nlon = len(lon)
nlevel = len(pres)
potemp = np.zeros((nlevel,nlat,nlon))
potemp = tmp * (100000./pres[:,None,None]) ** (Rd/cp)
return potemp
What I want to do is to run this for loop in parallel -
potempList = []
for i in range (0,tmp.shape[0]):
tmpInstant = tmp[i,:,:,:]
potemp = pot(tmpInstant,lat,lon,level)
and append the results of potemp , I am aware that I need to use dask delayed somewhere in this but to wrap this function call with dask delayed is something I am not sure at all. I have 4 CPU nodes on this test box and the serial execution takes around 100 seconds. I am hoping to reduce it to 25 seconds.