I am developing a code consisting of a huge package tree. It works as expected when I run locally or when I submit to dask-scheduler to distribute across my cluster.
I have a script that “compiles” the python code in an egg file (remove old egg && python setup.py bdist_egg) every time I run with the most recent code and upload it to the client.
At the beginning of the code, I run:
client = Client(address=config["dask_server"], name="project-client")
filename = config["dist_file"]
client.register_worker_plugin(UploadFile(filename), name="egg-package")
# registering twice while I can't figure out a better way
client.register_worker_plugin(UploadFile(filename), name="egg-package")
The workers are already running on the cluster through the dask-worker command.
This process works, but it is annoying.
If the egg file changes, the worker says “bad file header,” and I have to kill the workers, delete the temp dir and start the workers again. Then, the same egg file it complained about works.
Is there a better way to handle this process? If the package was done, I could install it on my worker nodes, but the egg will frequently change.
I tried to find a way to clean the worker temp directory when the client connects but could not find anything in the forums or documentation. Also, if I retire the workers, the dask-worker process dies in the node machines, and I need to connect manually.
I feel I am missing something silly and getting bogged down.