Memory limits reached in simple ETL-like data transformations

Thank you so much for this deep investigation!

I’ll repost parts of the main question in the Distributed channel, cause it seems to belong there.

Regarding the configuration changes:

  • As far as I know configuration is related to spilling process, which I’ve intentionally disabled (da.config.set({'distributed.worker.memory.spill': False})). My goal for the entire experiment is to see how Dask manages the in-memory stream of data.
  • The other parameter: da.config.set({'distributed.worker.memory.pause': 0.95}) is a nice catch, although I suspect it just postpones the stall - doesn’t remove the problem.

I was also wondering whether the problem could be of unfreed memory, that’s why I suspected some memory management global lock.

Thanks again, I’ll post an update here, if I find a resolution on the issue.

(I’ve posted the question to Distributed channel: Worker blocking on memory limit, despite the streaming-friendly pipeline process)