Hi @th0ger and welcome! Since the ranges table is small, I think a merge then filter would be fairly efficient since the computation will be embarrassingly parallel (more on that here). You’d replace the dd.from_pandas with dd.read_parquet:
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
points = dd.from_pandas(
pd.DataFrame(dict(symbol=range(10), p=range(5, 105, 10))),
# if your smaller table can fit easily in memory, consider ensuring
# it is a single partition with the repartition method
ranges = dd.from_pandas(
dict(symbol=range(5), start=[0, 15, 30, 46, 74],
end=[10, 40, 50, 54, 84])
), npartitions=1
merged = points.merge(ranges, how='inner', on='symbol')
filtered = merged.loc[
((merged['p'] >= merged['start']) & (merged['p'] < merged['end']))
Here’s the result of merged.visualize(), showing the embarrassingly parallel computation: