Error when running in dask

Hey i used to be able to run in dask but i got this error today, does anyone know what i should change?

[ERROR   ] Task exception was never retrieved

future: <Task finished name='Task-377' coro=<_wrap_awaitable() done, defined at /afs/> exception=RuntimeError('Command exited with non-zero exit code.\nExit code: 1\nCommand:\ncondor_submit -spool /tmp/piosifid/\nstdout:\n\nstderr:\n2023/12/07 20:54:08 ERROR: Unauthorized 401 - do you have authentication tokens?\nError "/usr/bin/ |": command terminated with exit code 256\nConfiguration Error Line 0 while reading config source /usr/bin/ |\n\n')>

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/afs/", line 125, in _wrap_awaitable

    return await aw

  File "/afs/", line 74, in _

    await self.start()

  File "/afs/", line 411, in start

    out = await self._submit_job(fn)

  File "/afs/", line 394, in _submit_job

    return self._call(shlex.split(self.submit_command) + [script_filename])

  File "/afs/", line 489, in _call

    raise RuntimeError(

RuntimeError: Command exited with non-zero exit code.

Exit code: 1


condor_submit -spool /tmp/piosifid/



2023/12/07 20:54:08 ERROR: Unauthorized 401 - do you have authentication tokens?

Error "/usr/bin/ |": command terminated with exit code 256

Configuration Error Line 0 while reading config source /usr/bin/ |

Hi @pol, welcome to Dask community!

At a first glance, the error does not really seem related to Dask, but more to you HPC (or alike) system using HTCondor. Are you using HTCondorCluster?

It loks like you’ve got an environment problem on your system:

Are you able to submit basic jobs?