Error when calling to_parquet() "TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable"

I have a Dask dataframe with two partitions, that was created by reading and combining a number of csv files. I am able to save and reload the df to/from a parquet file except for when I add the following before calling to_parquet():

merged_df['Seq'] = merged_df.groupby('event_no_trip').cumcount()+1

When that line is included I get the stack trace below. I am guessing that this is something to do with trying to use groupby() over more than one partition, but I have no idea how to fix it. Could anyone please provide some insight here? Thanks for your help.

  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 3108, in to_parquet
    return to_parquet(self, path, **kwargs)
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\io\", line 463, in to_parquet  
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 1252, in to_dask_dataframe
    df = self.optimize(**optimize_kwargs) if optimize else self
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 482, in optimize
    return new_collection(self.expr.optimize(fuse=fuse))
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 93, in optimize
    return optimize(self, **kwargs)
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 2876, in optimize
    return optimize_until(expr, stage)
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 2842, in optimize_until
    expr = expr.simplify()
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 360, in simplify
    new = expr.simplify_once(dependents=dependents, simplified={})
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 338, in simplify_once
    new = operand.simplify_once(
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 338, in simplify_once
    new = operand.simplify_once(
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 338, in simplify_once
    new = operand.simplify_once(
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 321, in simplify_once
    out = child._simplify_up(expr, dependents)
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 109, in _simplify_up
    new_projection = [
  File "C:\venviron\Lib\site-packages\dask_expr\", line 112, in <listcomp>
    if (col in partitioning_index or col in projection)
TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable

Hi @amp123 , welcome to Dask discourse!

Do you think you could provide a simple reproducer of your problem?

What happens when you remove the +1?

I get the same behaviour when I remove the +1. I can’t post the exact data that I am working with, but I will get a minimal reproducer together. Thanks

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