Equivalent to imap_unordered?

When working with multiprocessing.Pool, I can use the imap_unordered(fn, iterable) to map the function fn into each element of iterable but without consuming the whole iterable upfront. Is this execution model available in dask?

I was trying to achieve the same with Client.submit and as_completed but it seems that as_completed is consuming the whole iterable before starting any of the tasks.

The following example shows what I mean:

from tqdm import tqdm
from time import sleep
from dask.distributed import Client, as_completed
import multiprocessing as mp

def process(i):
    return i

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = Client()
    total = 10_000

    print("With dask")
    tasks = tqdm((client.submit(process, i) for i in range(total)), desc='source', position=0, total=total, leave=True)
    res = sum(tqdm((x[1] for x in as_completed(tasks, with_results=True)), desc='sink', position=1, total=total, leave=True))

    print("With multiprocessing")
    with mp.Pool() as exec:
        tasks = tqdm(range(total), desc='source', position=0, total=total, leave=True)
        res = sum(tqdm(exec.imap_unordered(process, tasks), desc='sink', position=1, total=total, leave=True))